Art. 50
§ 1. Each Parliament votes on the annual budget and approves the accounts.
The general account of the Communities and Regions is forwarded to their Parliament, together with the comments of the Court of Audit.
All revenue and expenditure items are registered in the budget and in the accounts.
§ 2. The law determines the general provisions applicable to the budgets and accounts of the Communities and Regions, as well as regarding the organization of the monitoring performed by the Court of Audit.
As far as public service institutions subject to the Communities and Regions are concerned, the law lays down the general provisions applicable to the organization of the monitoring performed by the Court of Audit.
The law determines the general provisions concerning the monitoring of the award and use of grants.
Art. 71
§ 1. Until the entry into force of the law referred to in Article 50, § 2, the existing provisions relating to the organization of the monitoring by the Court of Audit and the monitoring of the award and use of grants, as well as the provisions on State accounting, shall apply to the Communities and Regions.
§ 2. […]
§ 3. Until the entry into force of the law referred to in Article 50, § 2, the provisions of the law of 16th March 1954 relating to the audit of some public service institutions continue to apply, as far as the type of monitoring by the Court of Audit is concerned, to the public service institutions subject to Communities and Regions.