
The Court of Audit consists of a college of twelve magistrates, assisted by staff.

The College

The members of the Court are elected by the House of Representatives for a term of six years and may be reappointed. To ensure that the members of the Court act independently and impartially, the legislative body has drawn up a list of activities prohibited or incompatible with their function. The wages and retirement allowances of the members of the Court are established by law.

The Court of Audit is made up of a French speaking and a Dutch speaking chamber which together form the general assembly. Each chamber comprises a president, four councillors (“Conseillers” or “Raadsheren”) and a secretary general (“Greffier” or “Griffier”). The senior of the two presidents is designated “Premier Président” or “Eerste voorzitter”) and the senior of the two secretaries general “Greffier en chef” or “Hoofdgriffier”.

General Assembly

French speaking chamber

F. Thys


  • P. Rion
  • D. Guide
  • O. Hubert
  • C. Rappe

Chief Secretary General

  • A. Bolly

Dutch speaking chamber

H. François
Senior President


  • J. Debucquoy
  • R. Moens
  • V. Put
  • W. Schroons

Secretary General

  • T. Debusschere


The general assembly is competent for matters related to the Federal State, the Brussels-Capital Region, the Common Community Commission, the German Community, the public institutions depending on them, and for interpreting the European and Federal standards.

The French speaking chamber has exclusive competence for matters related to the French speaking Community, the French Community Commission, the Walloon Region, the public institutions depending on them, and the Walloon provinces.

The Dutch speaking Chamber has exclusive competence for matters related to the Flemish Community, the Flemish Region, the public institutions depending on them, and the Flemish provinces.

Administrative staff

The Court’s administrative staff is made up of ten directorates placed under the management of a Senior Auditor-Director and divided into three sectors.

Sector I provides support to the others. It is made up of the Directorate of Coordination and Studies, which includes the Registry, and the Directorate of General Affairs.

Sectors II (Federal level) and III (Community and Region level) are operational sectors which are divided into financial and thematic directions.

The financial pillar performs budget analyses, financial audits and checks the accounts of the public services and the accounting officers.

The thematic pillar takes care of the audits pertaining to the legality and the regularity of the operations and procedures, as well as of the audits of the sound use of public funds in order to assess how a service, a process or a policy is effective, efficient and economical.

The organisation per sector corresponds to the competences of the general assembly and the French speaking and Dutch speaking chambers.

Human resources

The Court of Audit appoints and dismisses the members of its administrative staff. It fixes the composition, status and wages under the supervision of the board of the House of Representatives. It recruits the candidates in open competition.

The Court of Audit’s staff includes about 550 members, evenly divided between French and Dutch speakers. Most of them are auditors or controllers.

This organisational chart presents the structure of the Court of Audit. For more information, please call +32 2 551 81 11
This organisational chart presents the structure of the Court of Audit. For more information, please call +32 2 551 81 11

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